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Surface pattern designer

Welcome to Mona Tomassi Studio, I am an experienced surface pattern designer, creating each project with the final product in mind to reach the best results for your brand. I create unique surface prints and patterns combining my experience and vision with the latest trends and expectations of the final user.

Make a personalised order for a new pattern design or visit my online shop with ready-to-download, manually painted surface patterns.


Seamless pattern designs


¨Afghan Kites¨ – Piumini Danesi

Bedding pattern designChildren dressed in traditional Afghan clothes fly kites at the foot of the Kabul mountains. They participate in a centuries-old tradition, which for many years has also been a symbol of the fight for freedom in a country dominated by the Taliban. Shortly after the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan in 2021, […]

¨Animals of the World¨ – La Fabrique du Bonheur

Wallpaper and wall sticker set design for childrenWallpaper design made for kids brand La Fabrique du bonheur. Animals of the world gathered together on the world’s map in the form of a wallpaper and a wall round sticker in a few color versions thought to fit different type of children’s room interiors.

¨Around the Oceans¨ – Nato afelice

Textile pattern design – elegant baby & mother swaddle Marine textile pattern design made for baby accessories brand Nato a´felice, which is offering a versatile product dedicated for both baby and mother in a form of elegant scarf-swaddle. This pattern design is a response to the classic design, it universal shapes and colors.

From blog

The Essential Guide to Artist Directories for Surface Pattern and Textile Designers

In the vibrant world of surface pattern and textile design, finding the right artist for your project can be like discovering a hidden gem. While the internet is brimming with talented individuals, locating these creatives often is a real challenge for many technical and profession related reasons. This is where artist directories come into play. […]


Textile, home, urban landscapeTextile is a carrier of many meanings – practical and decorative, as symbolically marked as a painting canvas, although less often perceived in this way. As the functional and aesthetic areas meet, additional value is created on the surface of the fabric, which should be looked at closely.It is a space for […]

The process of creating a surface pattern

How long does it take to design a graphic pattern design? Some projects are created in one day, while others require two weeks of a hard work. So what are the criteria that determine the time-consuming work on designs prepared for various types of printed surfaces?TechniqueDepending on the graphic technique used, the design time can […]

Mona Tomassi

Mona Tomassi Studio is a unique workshop of surface pattern design, where are created manually painted projects dedicated for textiles, interior products and stationery. Here, harmoniously coordinated colors and subtle forms provide an aura of beauty and tranquility. As a pattern designer and illustrator, I create my works from hand-painted elements, which I then transfer to graphic programs, where I compose all over prints or placement prints. I guarantee a head full of ideas, commitment and passion put into each project, from a single order to a complex collection. I most often paint with watercolors and draw with a pencil, because these techniques reflect my aesthetic ideas most precisely. I also create in other manual and vector techniques, intended for both digital printing and screen printing, or other types of traditional printing.

The goal of my creative studio is to introduce delicate design into everyday life, I want my graphic prints to arouse joy and give a sense of visual respite. I invite you to my on-line shop with a wide range of ready-to-print graphic designs and to collaborate directly with me on unique designs created with your products in mind.

In my online shop you will find graphics divided into four categories to facilitate the search: Nature – the area of floral patterns and animal motifs, City – patterns with city-inspired motifs, Kids – seamless patterns dedicated for children, and the category Event – pattern ideas for special events, invitations, menus and more. After purchase you get access to download patterns, ready to send to your printing house TIFF file. If you like the elements I have created, but you prefer a different type of composition or colors – contact me, together we will create your dream version of the pattern or a new design prepared exclusively for your company.

A good graphic print design for fabrics, clothing, bedding or wallpapers should start not only with beautiful inspiration, but also with detailed analysis of trends and market requirements. In my pattern design studio, I start working on graphics before I start painting the watercolor elements. The first step is to create a concept and identify current and future trends. It is important that the graphic pattern is enough popular, but same time has the most universal character and can last longer than one sales season. That is why I design all surface patterns not only with a beautiful end result in mind, but also regarding to the current trends and guidelines of the client. I advise you on finding the right design direction for your business, whether it’s a fabric store, fashion company, or home products online shop. You can count on the precise implementation of your ideas and on sharing my knowledge in the field of designing products with prints, which I gained while working for large and smaller textile companies.

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